Saint Benedict has many
sacraments to serve the parish, its parishioners, and our
community. Please contact our parish office at
859.431.5607 for any of the sacraments listed below. |
Anointing of the Sick |
Is celebrated for those in our parish
who are ill. If you would like to receive this Sacrament,
please contact the rectory at 431.5607 |
Baptism |
Begins a person's initiation into the
life of the Church. The parish provides a preparation
class for "first-time" parents. Please contact the rectory
in advance of the birth of your child to prepare for the
baptism of your child. Adults are initiated into the life
of the Church through a process called the Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults. This process usually
begins in the fall. Contact the rectory for further
information. |
Confirmation |
is celebrated after a period of
preparation, usually held in the 7th or 8th grade. The
Bishop of Covington, or his designee, celebrates this
Sacrament of Initiation, usually every other year. |
Holy Communion |
is brought to our parishioners who
are unable to attend Mass (short-term and long-term). They
are asked to contact the rectory. First Communion is
normally celebrated on the first Sunday of May at the
10:00 Mass. Usually young parishioners are prepared for
this Sacrament in the second grade. |
Holy Orders |
If you know someone who may be
interested in living his life as a deacon or priest,
please contact the pastor. A candidate for Holy Orders
should show a concern for others, and possibly already be
involved in the life and ministry of the Church. |
Marriage |
Those wishing to celebrate this Sacrament are asked to
contact the rectory at least 9 months in advance of the
wedding date. It is recommended that a wedding occur in the
church where a person is registered and attends Mass
regularly. |
Penance |
30 minutes before weekend Mass or by
appointment. |